# helpers

# randomize([array])

Returns a random value from the provided array


Param Type Default
array array ["a", "b", "c"]
faker.helpers.randomize(); // a
faker.helpers.randomize(['bob', 'joe', 'tim']); // joe

# slugify([string])

slugify the provided string


Param Type Default
string string ""
faker.helpers.slugify(); // ""
faker.helpers.slugify("bob was here"); // bob-was-here

# replaceSymbolWithNumber([string[, symbol]])

replace a symbol with a number


Param Type Default
string string ""
symbol string "#"
faker.helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber(); // ""
faker.helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("bob###@example.com"); // bob790@example.com 
faker.helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("bob????##???", "?"); // bob6269##849

# replaceSymbols(format)

Parses string for symbols (numbers or letters) and replaces them appropriately.

  • # will be replaced with a number,
  • ? with be replaced with a letter
  • * will be replaced with a number or a letter


Param Type Default
format string ""
faker.helpers.replaceSymbols("#####"); // 98101
faker.helpers.replaceSymbols("???"); // ABC
faker.helpers.replaceSymbols("bob-###-42-??") // bob-226-42-KB

# shuffle([array])

Takes an array and returns it randomized


Param Type Default
array array []
faker.helpers.shuffle(); // []
faker.helpers.shuffle(["a", "b", "c"]); // ["c", "a", "b"]

# mustache(str, data)

replaces mustache variable in string with provided key pair


Param Type Default
str string n/a
data object n/a
faker.helpers.mustache(); // ""
faker.helpers.mustache('{{foo}} was {{baz}}', {foo: 'bar', baz: 42}); // bar was 42

# createCard

Returns an object

  "name": "Glen Hahn",
  "username": "Darrin_Champlin84",
  "email": "Benton_Swift30@hotmail.com",
  "address": {
    "streetA": "Dickinson Forest",
    "streetB": "63914 Eldora Forge",
    "streetC": "095 Bella Lodge Apt. 590",
    "streetD": "Apt. 980",
    "city": "East Allan",
    "state": "Nebraska",
    "country": "Liechtenstein",
    "zipcode": "08027",
    "geo": { "lat": "3.4797", "lng": "-123.6115" }
  "phone": "(015) 568-3818 x649",
  "website": "lysanne.org",
  "company": {
    "name": "Funk - Nicolas",
    "catchPhrase": "Face to face dedicated moratorium",
    "bs": "turn-key benchmark web services"
  "posts": [
      "words": "enim molestias architecto",
      "sentence": "Beatae repellat deserunt eos.",
      "sentences": "Vero quae laudantium. Vel autem corrupti eligendi. Reiciendis itaque delectus deserunt ea error molestiae aperiam.",
      "paragraph": "Et sed nostrum placeat debitis maiores. Eos illum qui qui necessitatibus. Officiis a quisquam labore."
      "words": "qui dolor nihil",
      "sentence": "Occaecati asperiores rerum magni aspernatur eius id officiis.",
      "sentences": "Explicabo accusantium enim consequatur. Repellat placeat hic facere natus sint velit eligendi est distinctio.",
      "paragraph": "Fugiat maiores corrupti similique laboriosam enim culpa maiores velit. Distinctio consequatur illo commodi fuga quo repellendus. Nihil sequi dolor non. Nihil et blanditiis rerum cupiditate est et facilis aliquam."
      "words": "nesciunt iusto qui",
      "sentence": "Sapiente commodi facere laborum aut.",
      "sentences": "Molestias nemo fugiat itaque expedita est aspernatur praesentium explicabo repellat. Ea incidunt quia sint cupiditate saepe et tempora. Autem doloribus dolor eius omnis dolor. Eos laborum nesciunt iste rem placeat ut autem. Commodi error est non sapiente a.",
      "paragraph": "Eius maxime enim ut repellendus illum eum aut blanditiis. Quaerat qui omnis ab qui ipsum sint. Officiis iste neque ab qui dolor doloremque rerum quos sed."
  "accountHistory": [
      "amount": "251.84",
      "date": "2012-02-02T08:00:00.000Z",
      "business": "Breitenberg - Turcotte",
      "name": "Checking Account 0226",
      "type": "payment",
      "account": "66727594"
      "amount": "740.75",
      "date": "2012-02-02T08:00:00.000Z",
      "business": "Shields - Heller",
      "name": "Checking Account 3782",
      "type": "invoice",
      "account": "64889716"
      "amount": "378.68",
      "date": "2012-02-02T08:00:00.000Z",
      "business": "Dickens and Sons",
      "name": "Home Loan Account 1699",
      "type": "withdrawal",
      "account": "69892278"

# contextualCard

Returns an object

  "name": "Joan",
  "username": "Joan39",
  "avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/ripplemdk/128.jpg",
  "email": "Joan39_Weimann93@gmail.com",
  "dob": "1973-09-26T20:12:25.191Z",
  "phone": "650-151-6699 x271",
  "address": {
    "street": "Boyle Points",
    "suite": "Apt. 093",
    "city": "Julioville",
    "zipcode": "79041",
    "geo": { "lat": "63.9355", "lng": "-150.2784" }
  "website": "laurianne.info",
  "company": {
    "name": "Hudson and Sons",
    "catchPhrase": "Streamlined transitional firmware",
    "bs": "value-added incentivize communities"

# userCard

Returns an object

  "name": "Adriel Dach",
  "username": "Lawson.Rutherford83",
  "email": "Kassandra86@gmail.com",
  "address": {
    "street": "Gislason View",
    "suite": "Apt. 409",
    "city": "Tellyside",
    "zipcode": "00051",
    "geo": { "lat": "69.6104", "lng": "-109.3244" }
  "phone": "1-685-232-7348",
  "website": "dakota.org",
  "company": {
    "name": "DuBuque Group",
    "catchPhrase": "Mandatory multi-state ability",
    "bs": "real-time grow methodologies"

# createTransaction

Returns an object

  "amount": "883.74",
  "date": "2012-02-02T08:00:00.000Z",
  "business": "Brakus LLC",
  "name": "Credit Card Account 9671",
  "type": "deposit",
  "account": "54758588"