# datatype 5.5.0+

Generate basic data type, starting from v5.5.0. Similar functions from faker.random will be deprecated.

# number([options])

Generates random number data type.


Param Type Default
options mixed {min: 0, max: 99999, precision: 1}

NOTE: passing a number as the param will set the max value to that number and use the min and precision defaults

faker.datatype.number(); // 3451
faker.datatype.number(86); // 50
faker.datatype.number({min:10}); // 45991
faker.datatype.number({min: 10, max: 100}); // 14
faker.datatype.number({min: 10, max: 100, precision: .25}); // 44.5

# float([options])

Generates random float data type.


Param Type Default
options mixed {min: 0, max: 99999, precision: 1}

NOTE 1: passing a number as the param will set the max value to that number and use the min and precision defaults

NOTE 2: javascript has single data type number for all kinds of numbers. Statement typeof(faker.datatype.number(10)) === typeof(faker.datatype.float(10)) equals true

faker.datatype.float(); // 428
faker.datatype.float(100); // 23
faker.datatype.float({min:10}); // 1635
faker.datatype.float({min: 10, max: 100}); // 49
faker.datatype.float({min: 10, max: 100, precision: .1}); // 81.8

# array([length])

Generates array of random number or string.


Param Type Default
length number 10

NOTE: this method has no fine-grained control to create array of numbers or strings only, or specify criteria for array elements

faker.datatype.array(); // [13,'hfa&', 41, 8301, '(6$bH', 2354, 'V73!', 'm*he?', 11911, 'gbdX#']
faker.datatype.array(3); // [47460, 'b&r3#', 9003]

# uuid

Generates random UUID

faker.datatype.uuid(); // 54d13fa1-6d84-4717-8fa2-477a62dac76c 

# boolean

Generates random boolean data type.

faker.datatype.boolean(); // true 

# string([length])

Generates random string data type.


Param Type Default
length number 10
faker.datatype.string(); // 'Y7=bR1.jpW'
faker.datatype.string(5); // '_9Kss'

# json

Generates random JSON. It has default length of 7, and no options.


NOTE: The generated data type is string. To treat it like javascript object, use JSON.parse() function.

faker.datatype.json(); // {"foo":61342,"bar":1587,"bike":88807,"a":69894,"b":"A?+(5w)E/Z","name":"U@Y`>Ygls}","prop":35014} (string)
JSON.parse(faker.datatype.json()) // (object)

# hexaDecimal([length])

Generates random hex (base-16) number.


Param Type Default
length number 1

NOTE: The generated data type is string. To treat it like javascript number, use parseInt() function.

faker.datatype.hexaDecimal(); // '0xA' (string)
faker.datatype.hexaDecimal(5); // '0x8D620' (string)
parseInt(faker.datatype.hexaDecimal(2)) // 0xC1 (number)